Utilizing artificial intelligence in preparing measurement documentation for industrial objects

UAB “Terra Modus,” in partnership with UAB “InfoEra,” is currently implementing a European Union-funded project titled “Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Preparing Measurement Documentation for Industrial Objects.

Recent studies indicate that the global 3D scanning market is expected to reach 5.7 billion USD by 2021, with a CAGR of 13.6%. By 2025, the market value is projected to reach 8.04 billion USD. 3D scanning technology assists in handling high-resolution data efficiently. This technology optimizes time, costs, and efforts in reproducing objects. While it’s commonly used in the construction sector, there exists a niche for industrial and manufacturing spaces (assembled equipment, production lines, heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, etc.). Measuring in industrial spaces is particularly challenging due to non-standardized internal equipment, resulting in individualized measurements in each case. This niche requires measurement solutions with new functionalities (e.g., quality control of processed measurement data, drone-based scanning, CAD data conversion to BIM, etc.).

The growing number of industrial and manufacturing spaces and the need for 3D scanning software with new functionalities drive market players to create products that generate low costs and ensure rapid market entry.

Responding to market demands, project applicant UAB “InfoEra,” in collaboration with partner UAB “Terra Modus,” initiates a project aimed at expediting the measurement process of existing industrial objects using artificial intelligence. During the project’s implementation, the plan is to develop Undet Pro software operating within Autodesk AutoCAD environment, which will streamline and accelerate the evaluation, visualization, processing, and advanced modeling of point clouds using artificial intelligence.

This project is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-2020 European Union Funds Investment Action Program Priority 1: “Promotion of Scientific Research, Experimental Development, and Innovation,” Measure No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856 “Experiment.”

The total project value amounts to 1,472,587.37 euros, of which 1,093,572.76 euros constitute the European Union subsidy, and 379,014.61 euros are the company’s own contribution. The project activities commenced on November 16, 2020, and are scheduled for completion on November 15, 2022.

Project Number: No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0127.

Martynas Valauskis
Head of Survey Center

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