About „Terra Modus"

Terra Modus is a laser scanning company focused on reality capture and point cloud processing, typically delivering CAD files to architects and engineers designing the restoration, refurbishment, or building additions for existing structures. Deliverables often include 3D building information models (BIMs) or 2D floorplans and facades. We also develop Undet software tools to streamline point cloud processing workflows and accelerate the production of accurate 2D, 3D & BIM deliverables based on 3D laser scan data.

We are certified according to the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 standard. Area of certification: terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetry, and preparation of building documentation (2D, 3D, BIM) from collected (received) data.

We participate in scientific research projects, software development and the implementation of innovative remote measurement solutions.

We have professional indemnity insurance, the purpose of which is to protect clients like you from possible non-fulfilment of legitimate expectations and to compensate third parties for financial losses.

We work with architects, surveyors, project managers, owners, government bodies, local authorities, and national heritage organizations.

Egidijus Žilinskas
Martynas Valauskis
Survey Operations Manager
Marius Putrimas
Undet Project Manager

S. Žukausko st. 17,
LT-08234, Vilnius, Lithuania

Company code: 145669662
VAT number: LT100002985010